Saturday, April 8, 2017

There's a new vegan in town!!! (Actually, two!)

Hey - - Big doings in Shakeology-ville, and you are going to want to be in the know on this one!

I'm going to keep it brief though - it's huge news, and I'd love to go on and on about it, but it really only needs a minute of your time and mine, to share!

One of the biggest complaints I hear all the time, is that there are so many regular flavors of Shakeology, but only two in the vegan formula.

Well, all that's about to change!!

Coming this Monday - April 10th - Beachbody is releasing two (yup TWO!!) new vegan flavors:

The long awaited vegan vanilla Shakeology, AND Vegan Cafe Latte!

Both flavors will be available effective Monday, April 10th!


Other big news in Shakeology - there are two new amazing superfood ingredients being added to the already amazing formula!

Chaga Mushrooms
What do those do??? Adaptogenic plants and mushrooms help to bring the body back into balance and have beneficial effects on the nervous system, immune system, the GI tract, the cardiovascular system and the endocrine system. By supporting the body and mind in these ways, adaptogens help us to cope with stress, stay healthy during the cold and flu season, fight cancer, and lift us out of the dark depths of depression and adrenal burnout. They have immune-modulating properties that make them helpful in treating auto-immune diseases and have high levels of anti-oxidants that protect cells from damaging free radicals. Adaptogens gently tone and support the body systems over time and need to be taken for a minimum time of two months to develop the full effect of their healing powers.


Matcha tea extract.
Amongst its many health benefits, matcha…
Is packed with antioxidants including the powerful EGCg
Boosts metabolism and burns calories
Detoxifies effectively and naturally
Calms the mind and relaxes the body
Is rich in fiber, chlorophyll and vitamins
Enhances mood and aids in concentration
Provides vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium
Prevents disease
Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar

Want to try one or both of these amazing new flavors? They'll be available for order on Monday afternoon in the US, and coming soon in Canada. And you can get yours here!

Want more information about Shakeology and what it can do for you? Looking for a complete fitness and nutrition program? Email me or find me on Facebook and let's be sure to chat ASAP!

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