Sunday, July 22, 2018

How to do a Detox/Cleanse without spending a ton of money!!

So you want to do a cleanse?


Juice Cleanse...
Smoothie Cleanse...
Water Cleanse...
Green tea Cleanse...
Detox diets...
Raw Foods Cleanse...
Colon Cleanse...
Liver Cleanse...
Master Cleanse...

And that's just the tip of the iceberg!!!

Wait, is there an Iceberg lettuce cleanse???

Probably!!! 😂😂😂

Not to mention all the different prepackaged cleanses on the market!

With all these different kinds of cleanses how do you know which one is best for you?

I could ask you a ton of questions, and prescribe some specific detailed concoction of one part ACV (apple cider vinegar), one part water with lemon, one part ginger, and a dash of eye of newt, tell you to drink it on the full moon while standing on your head naked in the back yard chanting Peter Paul and Mary classics... and you might even try it... but I'm not a big fan of complicated bullshit, so for now let's not go there, hmmm???

Most of us - when we decide to do a cleanse or detox - choose to because

  • A) We've just come back from vacation, drank like a fish, and ate like someone who just completed a 21 day Naked and Afraid challenge
  • B) We indulged like crazy at that family reunion, BBQ, holiday party, or binged on our kid's Easter baskets or Halloween candy
  • C) We're looking for a quick fix for that high school reunion, or to fit into a great outfit for an upcoming insert-your-event-here
  • or D) We're finally ready to commit to a long term healthy lifestyle and want to eliminate all the junk in our systems much like we're eliminating all the Doritos, Fruity Pebbles, Ben & Jerry's and Twix bars from our pantry
Whatever your motivation - unless it's something doctor recommended (in which case your doctor should be the one telling you what to do; not me), your approach - and your results - should be pretty much the same.

SO what approach is that, Sandi?

Oh, I'm so glad you asked 😏

And if you're anything like me, you want the answer to be simple - AND budget friendly.

So - here you go:

  • Step 1: Stop eating junk! No joke. Just eliminate the crap-ola from your diet. Ditch the processed foods, and start eating real, whole foods. ESPECIALLY fruits and veggies!

  • Step 2: Start drinking water. LOTS of it. Drink water in the morning. Drink water before you eat. Drink water after you eat. Drink water in the morning, afternoon and evening. Just. Drink. Water.

  • Step 3: STOP drinking soda (including diet), and alcohol (because after all, detoxification is the opposite of intoxication!!)!

Here's a newsflash for you: Your body "cleanses" itself naturally - and it works pretty effectively, provided you aren't constantly introducing more toxins. Cleansing is legit the job of your kidneys and liver. If you just let them do their job (by not clogging them up and bogging them down), you're well on your way.

Oh, and the water thing - that part is SUPER important. I mean, you wash the outside of your body (I hope), so why wouldn't you wash the inside? Think of it as an internal bath. Here's the deal - your body is made up of like 70% water. But you're constantly sweating it out, breathing it out, crying it out, peeing it out! So if you're not putting fresh water into your body to replenish it, then what's left? Essentially, pond scum. 


Have you ever looked at the greenish gross tinge the top of a pond gets when the water level gets low, and we haven't had any rain for a while? 

That's what your internal hydration (or lack there-of) looks like if you aren't adding back in what your body eliminates!

And that shit is effing TOXIC! You need the fresh water to flush out all that crap, just like a pond, lake or stream needs fresh water feeding into it, to stay - well - FRESH!

Not to mention all the other great things water does for our insides!

Yup, ALL that and more!

So yeah, if you just drink lots and lots of water (and by lots, I mean LOTS!!! I drink at least 80-100 oz a day!), stop eating (and drinking) crap, and feed your body lots of veggies and fruits, you'll be on the road  to feeling less bloated, more energized, and - let's just say - CLEAN! from the inside, out!

OK, I get it, that's not gonna work for everyone. Some people just need a more regimented, really specific "do this on this day, drink this at this time, eat that at the other time, and do it for X number of days" kind of plan to follow.

I hear 👂 ya! The more regimented, and structured, my approach to food is, be it a cleanse or my daily diet, the more likely I am to pay attention, stick to it, and achieve the results I'm after.

So if that's what you're after, then I do have another suggestion for you - Only 3 days - and each time I've done it, I've lost between 3 and 5 pounds, and an overall average of 3-5 inches of bloat too - the perfect solution to fit into that dress, look great on the beach in your new bikini 👙, or wow all your old classmates at your 20 year reunion!

If you need that regimented quick fix, then I'm a firm believer in the 3-Day Refresh. It's a simple to follow kind of thing that lets you eat real food multiple times a day so you don't feel like you're starving - and since it's only three days, you don't feel destined to Hell either! Got questions about it or want to join one of my support groups for it, so you don't have to go it alone? Email me - I can help!

But let me caution you: if you want those results to stick - whether it be from option A (just putting better stuff in your body, and eliminating the bad stuff so your liver and kidneys can do their jobs), or option B (the 3-Day Refresh), unless you follow it up with a healthy lifestyle, the results aren't going to last!

Yup, as soon as you go back to drinking sugar and caffeine instead of nice clean water, and putting processed garbage in your gut, the weight, the bloat, the sluggishness - it's all gonna come back. That, you can count on. 💯%

Want to learn more about healthy living, weight loss, fitness, and the formerly morbidly obese girl turned health coach?

Follow me here, on Facebook, or on Instagram, or send me an email with your questions, stories, struggles and successes! I'd love to hear from you!

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